Fat Transfer

Boca Raton, Palm Beach Florida

Lost facial volume is a common cosmetic issue as we age. Fat transfer to the face at Ennis Plastic Surgery is an effective procedure for patients wanting to bring back that youthful look and restore fullness to areas of the face that may now seem gaunt and tired. Fat from one area of your body can be used to augment other areas like the mid-face defining cheek bones, or along the temples, adding youthful roundness that complements the added contours.

Fat transfer, also known as autologous fat transplantation or micro-lipoinjection, plumps up facial features with a patient’s own fat, retrieved from the abdomen or thigh with a tiny 2mm cannula. The results from fat transfer are remarkable and natural. The difference is subtle and very you, just better. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and takes years off your face. It is often done along with other facial surgeries like a facelift, adding the finishing touch to fully rejuvenating your appearance.

To book a consultation click here or call 561-405-9020.

Watch Dr. Ennis in the Operating Room

To book a consultation click here or call 561-405-9020.

The Ennis Plastic Surgery Difference

Ennis Plastic Surgery in Palm Beach offers a comprehensive, caring and compassionate approach to cosmetic and esthetic intervention. The clinical staff at Ennis Plastic Surgery take the time to listen to each patient’s needs, concerns and goals. We understand what an impact chin augmentation can have on a patient’s outlook and self-impression.

We are excited to have the opportunity to contribute to that outcome.  If you are interested in discussing how a chin augmentation can impact your physical appearance, please contact us to set up a consultation.

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