Posted in Hair on March 1, 2016

NeoGraft healing process timeline: What should I expect right after the surgery?

The healing process for FUE hair transplant is relatively fast. You should expect to have swelling and discomfort for the first few days but the pain will gradually subside over the following weeks. The pain is not extreme, but the donor and transplant sites will be sore. There will likely be scabbing at both sites, which should flake off in within 1-2 weeks.  The extent of discomfort will partially depend on the amount of hair to be extracted and then transplanted. The more hair that is transplanted, the more discomfort you will likely feel. However, this discomfort is very mild.

What is the recovery timeline with NeoGraft? The next day? 3 days later?

Because the NeoGraft FUE system is so efficient, there is minimal downtime. Most patients only need one day after the procedure to rest before returning to their normal activities. Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended that the patient has someone to drive him or her home from the office. There will be some discomfort but not great pain. The first 1-3 days will focus on protecting the graft sites to reduce chances of disruption. The grafts will be slightly raised in the first 1-2 weeks after implantation. Approximately 3 days after the procedure, the graft sites may begin to scab. For this reason, it is important to care for the hair and implantation sites gently, especially during showering. The grafts will also need protection from wind and sun exposure, so as not to disrupt them during healing.

Using NeoGraft, how much hair can be restored?

One of the best features of the NeoGraft procedure is that many grafts can be taken and transplanted on the head, as long as there is ample donor hair density. It is not uncommon to take approximately 2,000 grafts during a procedure. Of course, the more grafts that are extracted, the longer the procedure will take. In general, a NeoGraft procedure will take between 3-8 hours.

Is the NeoGraft quicker and does it give you better results?

The NeoGraft procedure is not necessarily quicker than a strip procedure, but it provides better results without the visible scarring. Depending on how many grafts are harvested, the procedure can take between 3-8 hours. The procedure is split between donor harvesting and donor placement. Harvesting will require the patient to lie face down in order to harvest the hair that will be transplanted. This can take 2-4 hours. The donor hair placement procedure may take longer due to the exact placement of the transplanted hair. The patient will sit upright while the surgeon individually places follicular groupings. The back and front of the head are numbed to reduce discomfort during the procedure.

NeoGraft results: How to upkeep my results?

NeoGraft Follicular Unit Extraction is meant to be a permanent solution to hair loss. After the procedure is completed, I recommend to always follow a healthy and well-balance lifestyle with a diet rich in nutrients, engaging in exercise and getting appropriate sleep. In addition, it is important to avoid smoking. If your hair loss is progressive, beginning a medical regimen to slow hair loss is recommended.

What questions should I ask to find the right NeoGraft surgeon?

It is important to understand that NeoGraft is a tool that is used to assist physicians in follicular unit extraction procedures. It is important to study the expertise of the doctor in performing the procedure. The physician should have experience with a number of cases, with an ability to show consistent and reliable outcomes. In addition, you should ask the physician who performs the majority of the work. For some clinics, technicians carryout most of the procedure with the physician distantly overseeing the work. Ask to what extent the physician is involved in the procedure. Ask plenty of questions and be sure that you feel confident in the qualifications and outcomes of your hair transplantation clinic. A qualified, trusted and respected physician will be happy to answer any questions and show off his client outcomes.

Is NeoGraft painful?

Can you set an expectation on the level that might be experienced on a scale of 1-10 when…
The scalp is treated with anesthesia so that there is virtually no pain during the procedure. The point at which the patient may experience pain is during the injection of anesthesia into the scalp. As long as the anesthesia is injected at a controlled and appropriate rate, then the pain experience is rather mild. You could compare this pain to that you may experience before anesthesia injection before getting stitches. It only lasts less than one minute and then the area is numb. The scalp is numb during the procedure. After the procedure, there may be some soreness from the donor sites for a few days, like that of a sunburn. Overall, I would rate the pain level from 0-10 (0= no pain, 10= worst pain imaginable) as a 2 for anesthesia injections and short lasting discomfort after the procedure. During the procedure the pain rating is 0.

What risks or dangers are associated with NeoGraft?

As with any surgical procedure, there are always risk involved in undergoing hair restoration with the NeoGraft FUE technique. Because the procedure involves puncturing through the protective skin, the body is exposed to risk for infection. As with any other procedure, there is risk for allergic reaction to the anesthesia medication or risk of bleeding, post-operative swelling and bruising. Specific to the NeoGraft procedure, risks include: raised scarring, numbness over transplantation sites, over harvesting at donor site and poor transplantation uptake. For this reason, it is important to thoroughly qualify potential hair restoration centers. The physician should have extensive experience in hair restoration using this technique and should have a proven record of consistent outcomes. Fortunately, complication rates are very low for qualified and experienced physicians utilizing this procedure.

How long does NeoGraft surgery take?

The NeoGraft FUE procedure takes several hours to complete for most patients. Because NeoGraft individually extracts hundreds or thousands of hair follicles, the process can be lengthy. Depending on how much hair is to be transplanted, the procedure will generally take between 3-8 hours. The more hair that is to be transplanted, the longer the procedure will take. Someone transplanting only a small area will be finished much faster than an individual transplanting hair to a large are over the scalp. You should plan on spending a full day at your physician’s office when undergoing the hair transplantation.

What results can I expect with NeoGraft?

NeoGraft is a specific instrument that is used by physicians to perform follicular unit extraction (FUE). In this procedure, individual follicles of hair are removed from the donor site to be transplanted in the areas of thinning hair. Each donor graft is extracted with a needle and vacuum for fast collection. The grafts are collected with the same diameter and length, allowing for better transplantation and improved rate of taking. Then, the extracted follicular units are individually transplanted into the balding areas. Because the grafts are individually harvested, there is virtually no visible scarring. Strip grafting methods left unwanted linear scars across the back of the scalp, but not with this technique.

It is important to realize that after the procedure, the implanted hair follicles will remain for several weeks, but then begin to shed. This normal and needed. The new hair will begin growing within 4-6 months and will continue to grow normally after that. Full results can take up to a year. As the new hair regrows, the results will be natural, healthy and strong. Fortunately, this process offers a permanent solution to hair loss. Of course, if your hair continues to thin, ongoing transplantation may be necessary.

NeoGraft vs. FUE?

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a specific procedure in which individual follicles of hair are removed from a donor site and then transplanted in the areas of thinning hair. NeoGraft is a specific instrument that physicians use to carry out FUE procedures. The real advantage of utilizing a FUE procedure is that the hair follicles are extracted and transplanted without an incision, leaving no visible linear scar.

How long does it take for the donor area hair to be “significant” to blend in with current hair & when can I get full hair cut?

Blending of the donor area with the remaining hair depends on the rate at which your hair grows. For the general population, hair grows at a rate of approximately ½ inch per month. That will give you some indication as to how long it may take for your hair to grow to its desired length. You may have a haircut two weeks after having the NeoGraft procedure. Ask your stylist what he or she recommends to better blend the two areas. It may be beneficial to wear a shorter hairstyle for a short while. That way, you may cut your hair to one length and allow it to all grow out together at an even length.

How long between Neograft hair transplant sessions?

It is important to allow both the donor and grafted sites enough time for healing. I would recommend that you wait approximately 6 months between sessions if you are extracting from the same or nearby donor site and transplanting to a new region. If you are transplanting the hair to the same region, then I would recommend waiting 9-12 months between sessions. You do not want to disturb the integrity of the already existing grafts.

Is Hair Loss a Common Side Effect After Neograft?

Yes. The hair loss is not a side effect, but instead is a natural and needed phenomenon for the success of the hair transplantation. Once the hair follicle has been implanted to the desired area, the grafted hair will remain for a few weeks and then shed. Not all the grafted hair will shed but many will. The new hair growth will begin in approximately 4-6 months and continue to grow normally thereafter. Full results may take up to a year. As the new hair grows in, the results will look natural, healthy, and strong.

NeoGraft technology: How does it work?

NeoGraft FUE Hair Restoration is the new age of hair transplant. This revolutionary system avoids large, visible incisions and instead provides for nearly imperceptible scarring, minimal downtime and a speedy recovery. NeoGraft FEU is the least invasive procedure of its kind with no sutures, no scalpel incisions, and no linear scars.
FUE is an acronym for follicular unit extraction, meaning that individual follicles of hair are removed from the donor site to be transplanted in the areas of thinning hair. NeoGraft technology uses pneumatic pressure to extract individual hair follicles, protecting the delicate transplants, which yields a better total result. Strip surgery and other methods require more manual manipulation of the follicles which can damage them, impacting the final result.

The donor hair is removed from the back and sides of the scalp. Each graft is extracted with a needle and vacuum for fast collection. Each graft is collected with the same diameter and length, allowing for better transplantation and improved rate of taking. The extracted follicular units are skillfully separated by size.

The surgeon skillfully creates the recipient sites with the appropriate angle and orientation of your natural hair growth pattern and the desired area to be filled. Then, the extracted follicular units are individually transplanted into the balding areas. The process usually takes 3-8 hours, depending on the extent of hair loss. At most, patients typically feel a little discomfort as local anesthesia is utilized for comfort.

Can I get sun on the donor site a week post op?

I recommend to my patients that they avoid sun exposure for the first 1-2 weeks after having the procedure. Up to one month of sun avoidance is optimal. The reason for avoiding sun exposure is to prevent scarring, dark spots or light spots from developing over the extraction sites. Wearing a hat is an excellent measure to protect your scalp. Generally, you may apply sunscreen to the donor site after 1-2 weeks, but try to keep the recipient site away from sunlight for at least 2 weeks. Always check with your physician and follow their post-operative guidelines for best results.

NeoGaft: Pre-op, is there anything I need to know?

You should refer to your physician’s pre-operative instructions for their specific guidelines. However, there are general guidelines that are practiced by most practices to ensure safe and optimal patient outcomes. First, you will need to discontinue smoking, as smoking delays healing time. All medications will need to be reviewed by the physician and possibly stopped or adjusted, especially any medications that cause thinning of the blood. This needs to be done by a medical physician, as ceasing blood thinners will need to be coordinated by your primary care physician or cardiologist. You should wash your hair with regular shampoo the day before surgery. Come for your procedure with another individual to drive you home and help care for you while you may be taking pain medications. In addition, wear a button down shirt that can be easily taken off and put back on, without going over your head. Best of luck with your hair restoration procedure!

I am fully bald on top. Is it possible to get good results from a hair transplant?

Excellent outcomes can be achieved through a hair transplant procedure, but it is highly dependent on the amount of donor hair that is available. Hair transplant surgery would be successful if you have a dense amount of permanent donor hair from the sides and the back of your head.

Each hair strand resides in a follicle, a cavity within the skin. For individuals that have hair loss, the follicle shrinks and eventually stops growing hair. Fortunately, the hair follicles are still alive and have potential for generating new growth. The NeoGraft FUE procedure is an excellent procedure to transplant hair from the back or sides of the head to the front or top. FUE is an acronym for follicular unit extraction, meaning that individual follicles of hair are removed from the donor site to be transplanted in the areas of thinning hair. The follicles are extracted without an incision, leaving no visible scar.

If you have ample permanent hair on the back and sides of your head, then the NeoGraft FUE procedure may work well in your case. If you are also thinning on the sides or back of your head, then you may not have enough donor hair to transplant. A thorough consultation with a qualified surgeon would give you the best indication of your expected outcomes for a hair transplant procedure.

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